I've just been listening to a selection of music on my Whammy to refresh my memory Ed. Because the HD580s are open backed and there's often some noise here I tend not to use the combination as much as I would otherwise.
I listened to Kate Bush, Lou Reed, Mussorgsky - Pictures at an exhibition, Zappa, Jethro Tull
I think the Whammy's got the lot - bags of power, detail, dynamic, no noticable distortion as far as I dare turn up the volume. I only have the 580s so can't vouch for low Z phones.
I haven't tried any different op-amps.
Hmm - I've dug out my Darkvoice 337 SE (dual mono with 6080 triodes). I'd forgotton how easy on the ears - could listen for hours.
hpa input impedance
#16 Re: hpa input impedance
Last edited by Michael L on Sun Apr 11, 2021 10:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
#17 Re: hpa input impedance
Something to get your teeth into https://www.diyaudio.com/forums/pass-la ... a-1-a.html
#18 Re: hpa input impedance
many thanks Michael, I think I'm sorted now.
Any doubts I had about my current hpa have been allayed. I'm sure it could be bettered at a price but it's not seen as a want at the moment, certainly not a need.
Any doubts I had about my current hpa have been allayed. I'm sure it could be bettered at a price but it's not seen as a want at the moment, certainly not a need.
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