Winter Project #1

What people are working on at the moment
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Mike H
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#1 Winter Project #1

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Aka, exorcising demons #1

Many many (many, many!) years ago, around 1974? I built an integrated amp, the circuits mainly came out of magazines (I didn't design nuffink), the pre-amp sections were from a 1972 Wireless World project (op-amp based), the power amps from Practical Electroncs. It was really good, I thought. Unlike most of my other stuff to date, it at least worked properly, and was finished quite well in a nice "case" hand made from aluminium sheet (could order it cut to custom dimensions in those days), then few months or a year or so later I totally buggered it up by adding "extra features", like a loudness control pot, scratch and rumble filters, channel reverse, mono-mix (too much looking at Hi-Fi mags!), which with the input selector needed two banks of latch button switches (I was hitherto using like a Lorlin rotary switch for the selector). It was pants after that, and had an intermittent, one-channel-going-silent fault that I could never trace. It was eventually torn down. In the process I found the culprit, a dry joint on one of the blasted latch button switches (which until then had been impossible to access while still in situ). All of the parts either got lost or reused for something else. And then lost.

This is revisiting the power amps (only), but with a few "improvements" e.g. we'll have another go at MOSFET o/p.

Today I was making a more serious start on actually mounting stuff in the case (involves drilling holes!). Most parts direct from China via eBay.

NB: the mains switch is on a bit of Veroboard because I wanted a dual pole switch, what comes with the case is a single pole. This required me to get creative with alternative mounting means.

Case Assembly_2948.jpg

Case Assembly_2949.jpg

Had to open out the vol pot hole a bit but the very nice solid aluminium knob goes straight on the shaft.
Had to open out the vol pot hole a bit but the very nice solid aluminium knob goes straight on the shaft.
Last edited by Mike H on Fri Dec 13, 2019 8:51 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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#2 Re: Winter Project #1

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Case Assembly_2951.jpg

Case Assembly_2952.jpg

Case Assembly_2953.jpg
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#3 Re: Winter Project #1

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The vol pot is a Cosmos Tocos 100k which is all I  use now and have done in all my stuff for what must by now be a few years.
The vol pot is a Cosmos Tocos 100k which is all I use now and have done in all my stuff for what must by now be a few years.

Case Assembly_2955.jpg

Case Assembly_2956.jpg

That's it for today.
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#4 Re: Winter Project #1

Unread post by Ant »

Cool, same power amp circuit as the original 70s versions?
I've got a couple of 10k tocos cosmos pots, I still like them too, the channel matching is crap on them (think it was that particular value) so I bought a load of them and used 2 of them as mono ones.
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#5 Re: Winter Project #1

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As this is a Mike H thread...
Sorry, I couldn't resist!
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#6 Re: Winter Project #1

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Ant wrote: Fri Dec 13, 2019 9:02 pm Cool, same power amp circuit as the original 70s versions?
I suppose, as it's from that era – a bit "unusual", perhaps. More info later.

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#7 Re: Winter Project #1

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Ray P wrote: Fri Dec 13, 2019 9:38 pm As this is a Mike H thread...

:D :thumbleft:
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#8 Re: Winter Project #1

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Mike H wrote: Fri Dec 13, 2019 8:30 pm
This is revisiting the power amps (only), but with a few "improvements" e.g. we'll have another go at MOSFET o/p.
wow....well ugly(snigger)

what ever bias are going to be running the outputs. I'm guessing those heatsinks will have a thermal resistance of about 0.3. That's deffo a Rolls Royce chassis.
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#9 Re: Winter Project #1

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It's a winner already. It's got a Cosmic Taco volume control innits 8)
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#10 Re: Winter Project #1

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Whoa! Way cool. I need one of these. Yum yum :-)
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#11 Re: Winter Project #1

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Altogether now......Sh :D
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#12 Re: Winter Project #1

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#13 Re: Winter Project #1

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ed wrote: Sat Dec 14, 2019 10:11 am
Mike H wrote: Fri Dec 13, 2019 8:30 pm
This is revisiting the power amps (only), but with a few "improvements" e.g. we'll have another go at MOSFET o/p.
wow....well ugly(snigger)

what ever bias are going to be running the outputs. I'm guessing those heatsinks will have a thermal resistance of about 0.3. That's deffo a Rolls Royce chassis.
Actually that's a good question. I need to do some actual designing.

DIET: looking at similar examples, the heatsinks are more like 1°C/W
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#14 Re: Winter Project #1

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if it helps these are the ones I've always used(MF30-151)....300mm x 150mm x 40mm fins...they looked quite similar:
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#15 Re: Winter Project #1

Unread post by Mike H »

Thanks, could be 0.5 then. :)
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