What to do when you’re speakers are 4 ohm.

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#46 Re: What to do when you’re speakers are 4 ohm.

Unread post by simon »

Nick wrote: Fri Jul 19, 2024 9:54 pm The "more" was added with a view to comic effect :-)
It wasn't lost on me :-D
And then I have to ask, why is it always replace a cheap op amp with a 26, never try and get the most (or in fact, the least) out of a op amp first, maybe spend more than £5.
It's a fair point. I have SuperRegs to try. But without trying the 26 how do I know how it compares to an op amp with adequate or better power supply.
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#47 Re: What to do when you’re speakers are 4 ohm.

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But without trying the 26 how do I know how it compares to an op amp with adequate or better power supply.
You don't, but that wasn't suggested as a option :-)
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#48 Re: What to do when you’re speakers are 4 ohm.

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Not explicitly no, but for brevity as much as anything :lol:
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#49 Re: What to do when you’re speakers are 4 ohm.

Unread post by Nick »

I would suggest cutting to the chase and trying LME49720. Still available in PDIP and properly decoupled (C0G and Film) I would bet my own money you couldn't hear it.

Again, add triode to flavor, at least that's in effect what I was doing with the system you heard at the show last month. Valve phono stage, everything else gets out the way (passive transformer preamp, 100W amplifier with about 0.0005% THD driving 98dB/W speakers).
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#50 Re: What to do when you’re speakers are 4 ohm.

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I've continued this on the MoFo thread, so I can find it again in the future and not to derail Paul's thread any further.

https://www.audio-talk.co.uk/phpBB3/vie ... 86#p211686
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#51 Re: What to do when you’re speakers are 4 ohm.

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Nick wrote: Fri Jul 19, 2024 2:29 pm
Quite excited for this one.
If something looks too good to be true, its probably due to a mistake. I gave up looking for a magic undiscovered solution some years ago, its not going to happen. My answers to the question in the topic thread are:

1. Get new speakers
2. Use £50 solid state amp from ebay. if you want distortion, add a triode somewhere.
3. Build a MoFo. if you want more distortion, add a triode somewhere.
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#52 Re: What to do when you’re speakers are 4 ohm.

Unread post by Paul Barker »

Turns out they are connected for 10 K ohm into 4 Ohm.

So that is great!

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#53 Re: What to do when you’re speakers are 4 ohm.

Unread post by Paul Barker »

Well that puts the GM70 SE next on the list.

Something like this.

"Two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I am not yet completely sure about the universe." – Albert Einstein
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