Nick wrote: Fri Jul 19, 2024 9:54 pm
The "more" was added with a view to comic effect
It wasn't lost on me
And then I have to ask, why is it always replace a cheap op amp with a 26, never try and get the most (or in fact, the least) out of a op amp first, maybe spend more than £5.
It's a fair point. I have SuperRegs to try. But without trying the 26 how do I know how it compares to an op amp with adequate or better power supply.
I would suggest cutting to the chase and trying LME49720. Still available in PDIP and properly decoupled (C0G and Film) I would bet my own money you couldn't hear it.
Again, add triode to flavor, at least that's in effect what I was doing with the system you heard at the show last month. Valve phono stage, everything else gets out the way (passive transformer preamp, 100W amplifier with about 0.0005% THD driving 98dB/W speakers).
Whenever an honest man discovers that he's mistaken, he will either cease to be mistaken or he will cease to be honest.
If something looks too good to be true, its probably due to a mistake. I gave up looking for a magic undiscovered solution some years ago, its not going to happen. My answers to the question in the topic thread are:
1. Get new speakers
2. Use £50 solid state amp from ebay. if you want distortion, add a triode somewhere.
3. Build a MoFo. if you want more distortion, add a triode somewhere.
"No matter how fast light travels it finds that the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it."