MJ Statistical Regulator PCBs, MK II...

What people are working on at the moment
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#1 MJ Statistical Regulator PCBs, MK II...

Unread post by jack »

Just been having an interesting chat with MJ about the Statistical Regulator boards I did a while back. Quite correctly (and very politely) he's pointed out they are a bit of an abomination WRT the layout - there are some basic mistakes. I must do better!
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#2 Re: MJ Statistical Regulator PCBs, MK II...

Unread post by simon »

Out of interest what are MJ's thoughts on improved layout? I still have my kits - PCBs are cheap these days, might be an interesting project one day to try laying one out.
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#3 Re: MJ Statistical Regulator PCBs, MK II...

Unread post by jack »

It's an ongoing discussion - we are actually discussing Quad mods and the upcoming VA5...

I'll distill the key points later... for starters, he's improved the design...
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