
Anything to do with the things that make the music we listen to.
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andrew Ivimey
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#1 Phaser

Unread post by andrew Ivimey »

Back in the day, say 1972, I built a couple of phaser pedals.

Two transistor (stage, notch filters) a foot pedal controlling a dual pot.... it was a good few years later when working for Electro Harmonix that I found that operational transcondomethings did the job but they originally used fets... anyway.... the circuit I'm talking about was almost deffo Practical Electronics, maybe ooooo Elektor or Wireless World.

Yer foot did the whoosh, and what a whoosh it was.

I'd love to find the circuit but I've tried - oh dear -

Anybody out there??? Help
Philosophers have only interpreted the world - the point, however, is to change it. No it isn't ... maybe we should leave it alone for a while.
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andrew Ivimey
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#2 Re: Phaser

Unread post by andrew Ivimey »

P.s. I've had lots of fun with one transistor, two transistor three potato four fuzz boxes during lock down but handed over to Keeley finally but I'd dearly like to knock up that old phaser.
Philosophers have only interpreted the world - the point, however, is to change it. No it isn't ... maybe we should leave it alone for a while.
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#3 Re: Phaser

Unread post by Nick »

I remember that circuit (but cant remember it IYSWIM), all the ones I can find are op amp based.
Whenever an honest man discovers that he's mistaken, he will either cease to be mistaken or he will cease to be honest.
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andrew Ivimey
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#4 Re: Phaser

Unread post by andrew Ivimey »

Thanks for that - thought I was derrreamin'.

But surely there's a record if it somewhere!?
Philosophers have only interpreted the world - the point, however, is to change it. No it isn't ... maybe we should leave it alone for a while.
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#5 Re: Phaser

Unread post by Nick »

It was similar to this.

Whenever an honest man discovers that he's mistaken, he will either cease to be mistaken or he will cease to be honest.
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andrew Ivimey
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#6 Re: Phaser

Unread post by andrew Ivimey »

Yes something but it used npn transistors.
Philosophers have only interpreted the world - the point, however, is to change it. No it isn't ... maybe we should leave it alone for a while.
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