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#1 Garrard SP25 working

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 5:53 pm
by gninnam
Got a Garrard SP25 off of Stevieg from here a few weeks back which was minus headshell and also the tonearm cable was u/s..

Well, managed to get a headshell from ebay, but minus the mounting kit inside, but manage to cobble a way of mounting the cartridge so connecting new cables to the phono output, plugged it in and hum city....

So, replaced the power cable with a twin and earth and no hum.

Very happy with the sound that comes from it (using a lowly AT95 cart) but will need (like they always do) some further tweaking so yet another turntable to play with (this, plus 3 Lenco's).....

A few pictures now (due to the depth of the headshell, the mounting for the cartridge is too high so placed a 5 mill depth aluminium plate to raise the record!!):


